When it comes to battery life in today’s modern smartphones, running big screens, powerful processors, and modern games fails to satisfy most people. Most modern smartphones, like the N900, have high-capacity batteries, holding more than 1000mAh. However, that is not enough. So, we decided to test external batteries for all those who need extra juice
Tag Archives: n900

Nokia N900 external battery review from Mugen

Theme Customizer for Nokia N900
Theme Customizer is application for N900 that will allow you to customize your theme. Here is the list what you can to with this tool: change system font family change system font size change font colors save and load color presets change application shortcut sizes at homescreen show or hide the backgrounds for application shortcuts
[How to] install WebOS games on Nokia N900
Here’s video guide how to install webOS (Palm OS) games on Nokia N900, looks good
[Video] Nokia N900 dual boot: MeeGo and Maemo OS!
Here is video showing dual boot between MeeGo and Maemo on Nokia N900. Enjoy!
Nokia N900 Firmware PR1.3 update
Nokia N900 finally got PR1.3 firmware update, the official Changelog is: Nokia Ovi Suite support added Performance improvements
Firefox 4 beta 1 now available for Nokia N900
Firefox 4 for mobile is out from alpha version, and now is available in beta version 1 for Maemo n900 and Android phones. With this new version of Firefox has made improvements in stability, performance and functionality. It’s shipping with many of your favorite Firefox desktop features like Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar
Widelands a strategy game for the N900
Widelands is a strategy game for Nokia N900 and gameplay is similar to Settlers II. In this game, you start out on a small piece of land with nothing more than a few of useful resources. Using those, you can build yourself an empire with many thousands of inhabitants. On your way towards this goal,
MeeGo for Nokia N900 now available!
Nokia N900 finally got MeeGo after all. This version is an official firmware, but as of today MeeGo 1.0 is available for download and it runs on N900 as well as Atom-based netbooks. The next update, v1.1, is already scheduled for October. Here’s the download link for the Nokia N900 MeeGo OS. If you give
Ncalc: calculator for Nokia N900
If you need simple calculator for your N900 here is four function calculator for Maemo5 called Ncalc, with big buttons and changeable colour display. But, if you need calculator with more functions the right app for you is ATI85 Ncalc | DOWNLOAD
Nokia N900 overclocked to 1700MHz! Photo!
For N900 many said – “this is another mobile phone like many others” but look what n900 is capable to do – run at 1700MHz! Judge for yourself whether this is a fake or original photo. Via
Nokia N900 2400mAh Extended Replacement Battery
If you are not satisfied with BL-5J battery live on your Nokia N900 here is solution for you. Mugen Power Batteries created extended replacement battery for N900. This battery adds 7mm thickness to N900, and you will get a replacement battery cover. So phone with extended battery will be 25mm tick. HLI-N900XL battery for N900
Photo Translator for Nokia N900
PhotoTranslator is a neat application for Nokia N900. As the name says, it allows you to translate text from pictures to various languages. Imagine yourself walking on a street somewhere in a foreign country and you face a warning sign, but you have no idea what it says. Just take a picture of the sign