MeeGo gets more and more support for technology companies. Nokia, one of the biggest advocates of MeeGo (which created MeeGo in collaboration with Intel) earlier this year withdrew from the operating system after partnership with Microsoft. But other companies continue to develop, among the last to join MeeGo development team is LG. South Korean company
Tag Archives: Maemo OS

LG joins MeeGo

Firefox 4 Beta for Maemo launched by Mozilla
Mozilla today lunched next Firefox 4 beta 3 for Maemo and Android operating systems. You can read all improvements here. The most interesting among them is the options to save pages as PDF files, and support for uploading files. All users can download Maemo version here.

Theme Customizer for Nokia N900
Theme Customizer is application for N900 that will allow you to customize your theme. Here is the list what you can to with this tool: change system font family change system font size change font colors save and load color presets change application shortcut sizes at homescreen show or hide the backgrounds for application shortcuts
[Video] Nokia N900 dual boot: MeeGo and Maemo OS!
Here is video showing dual boot between MeeGo and Maemo on Nokia N900. Enjoy!
MeeGo ported to Nokia N900, dual-boot with Maemo soon
After long time waiting finally some good news for N900 owners. MeeGo for N900 will soon be released and available for dual boot with Maemo but without support for the MeeGo-enabled N900. The update will be available on the MeeGo site, which should enable dual-booting of Maemo and MeeGo on the Nokia N900 so you
Ncalc: calculator for Nokia N900
If you need simple calculator for your N900 here is four function calculator for Maemo5 called Ncalc, with big buttons and changeable colour display. But, if you need calculator with more functions the right app for you is ATI85 Ncalc | DOWNLOAD
Storage Usage v1.1.0 for Nokia N900
What Storage Usage basicly does is that application scans the file system (root, home, memory card or user defined folder) and displays how much disk space the folders take on our Nokia N900. The largest files are also displayed in a treemap. The application can also display the disk usage for the installed packages. Download
Photo Translator for Nokia N900
PhotoTranslator is a neat application for Nokia N900. As the name says, it allows you to translate text from pictures to various languages. Imagine yourself walking on a street somewhere in a foreign country and you face a warning sign, but you have no idea what it says. Just take a picture of the sign
LG GW990 is first MeeGo phone!?
If you are following Maemo related news you probably know that Maemo name is dead, and new name is MeeGo. Both Nokia and Intel on MeeGo presentation invited all who wants to participate in MeeGo Project that are welcom to join, and for now we know that LG is in MeeGo game. LG GW900 phone
Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo
Today Nokia announced bizzare partnership with Intel. Intel’s Moblin and Maemo are now new operating sistem called MeeGo. For more watch video:
Nokia N97 mini and Nokia N900 picture gallery
Here are some pictures of Nokia N900 and N97 Mini…enjoy! Via
Google Nexus One vs Nokia N900
The Nexus One is the Google Phone launched on January 5th, 2010. This device is Android powered device, some say best android for now. On other side is N900 – best Nokia smartphone at the moment. So, who is better? Here is short review. In table you can see that in some segments wins Nexus