Here is a problem encountered by the developers: Microsoft brand said in a press conference, that the applications launched by the Windows Phone 8 Marketplace will be available for over 180 markets all over the world, a number that covers most of the worldwide countries, here are also included both free and paid applications. Interesting
Tag Archives: android

Windows Phone 8 Marketplace supports more markets than Android

Microsoft to Develop a Service for Migrating Android/iOS Apps to Windows Phone
If you are among those who are thinking of switching onto Windows Phone platform from Android or iOS, then this piece of news might excite you. Microsoft is developing a new service for the new Windows Phone users, using which they can transfer all the apps, present in their existing Android or iOS device, to

Statistics Show That The Windows Phone Dropped Its Market Share
ComScore has released their latest statistics which show us how different mobile platforms are taking the market in the US. According to the chart, Microsoft is losing the market, but keep in mind that this chart is from September, when the new Mango devices weren’t released yet. 2012 will be the year when the platform

Firefox 4 Beta for Maemo launched by Mozilla
Mozilla today lunched next Firefox 4 beta 3 for Maemo and Android operating systems. You can read all improvements here. The most interesting among them is the options to save pages as PDF files, and support for uploading files. All users can download Maemo version here.

Differnce Between MeeGo and Android
Releases : MeeGo : As an open source software platform, MeeGo will help to reduce market fragmentation and complexity, while helping to accelerate industry innovation and time-to-market for a wealth of new Internet-based applications, services and user experiences. Android : Created market fragmentation. Frequent code releases force to upgrade the devices frequently Difference between two
Firefox 4 beta 1 now available for Nokia N900
Firefox 4 for mobile is out from alpha version, and now is available in beta version 1 for Maemo n900 and Android phones. With this new version of Firefox has made improvements in stability, performance and functionality. It’s shipping with many of your favorite Firefox desktop features like Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar
Android look alike theme for Nokia N900
an-DROID is name of theme for N900 that uses some Android details and icons to make N900 look alike having Android OS on N900. I have personally installed this theme and it looks great, but it’s impossible to create fully Android look alike because some limitations in Maemo OS. an-DROID | Download …and after installation
Google Nexus One vs Nokia N900
The Nexus One is the Google Phone launched on January 5th, 2010. This device is Android powered device, some say best android for now. On other side is N900 – best Nokia smartphone at the moment. So, who is better? Here is short review. In table you can see that in some segments wins Nexus
Nokia N900 Android and Maemo – dual booting
We bring you a short video of the Nokia N900 dual booting Maemo 5 and Android 1.6. No, we are not kidding – some enthusiasts made it possible. We should not be surprised because there are hardware similarities with some android powered devices. As the author says; touchscreen and keyboard still needs work, but its