The following information will be based on an informatory image created by CouponAudit. Here we have marked out some of the important points.
Going with the statistics, currently there are 1 billion Smartphone users in the world and within United States, this account for 45% of the total phone users. It depicts the increasing dominance of Smartphones among the market share along with constant decrease in the non-Smartphone category. More than 60% of the total users belong to the major age group of 18-44 years. This includes all the college students and the working class of our society which is the most active age group.
Now, this was all about the phone distribution. Now, let’s head to the actual market structure consisting of different groups like Android, Apple, Nokia, Samsung, etc. While Google’s Android doesn’t seem to stop with a 1.4% gain in its subscribers from April, 2012 to July, 2012, Apple too has registered a big increase in subscribers of 2% owing to the release of iPhone 5. On the receiving end are Microsoft, RIM and Symbian with reduced subscribers.
No matter if Apple files another case against Samsung or not, but the Korean Tech Giant has already overtaken the all-favorite Apple in terms of market share in Smartphones. But it includes all the Samsung Smartphones running on different platforms including Android, Windows and Bada. While Nokia was once the leading shareholder of the Smartphone industry, now has a very mere contribution of 6.6%. But when it comes to the Operating Platform, there is no stopping Android which now rules the department with 68% of share and Apple having 17%. While Microsoft is still the leading party in Desktops and Laptops, phone market is new for it managing only 3.5%.
Before the existence of either Android or iOS, Microsoft and Symbian were the leaders who are now just a ‘part’ of the industry. But this has been made possible due to the huge no. of apps available in both Android and Apple stores compared to Windows Marketplace with both hitting the 25 billion downloads mark recently.
The whole discussion depicts the dynamic nature of market and the shifting trend from Nokia to Apple to Samsung. Guess what will be next?
This Infographic is Co-produced by CouponAudit and Nokiawp
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This Infographic is Co-produced by CouponAudit and Nokiawp