Lumia Application #45: Trailhead

Lumia Application #45: Trailhead

Biking, hiking, and trailing are perfect vacations for those who want to for a while forget the pressure of their busy life and get in touch with the freshness of the nature. However, when you are trying some new routes, the fear of getting lost will come to mind? Thus, you will need some tools that will keep you on the right track; map, compass, or maybe a useful application on your phone.

The North Face® Trailhead Windows Phone 7 is a useful application to map your exploration when you are hiking, biking, or trailing. This app will find any available routes on your location. The search mode is not only by location, by also by length and activity. More than 300,000 routes are searchable by this app. For those who want to start a new route, this app can also track and record your speed, distance, and elevation from your starting spot with the GPS, and you can add any picture of any spot that you are passing through. Moreover, the Planet Explore Feature will find any outdoor event that is being held around your location.

For those who are actively socializing with social network, they can also post the route of their journey on the social networking sites. So, start your trip!

App price: free
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