As per the Q4 2011 U.S. data released by Nielson, Microsoft is seen to capture 1.3% of the makret of “current smartphone consumer”, whereas the percentage of 0.1% for in case of makret for recent smartphone users. The data was calculated on the basis of the ups and downs of the smartphone market in the past 3 months. Windows mobile currently holds 4.6% while Blackberry is capturing 14.9% of the market shares. The good thing in favor of Windows phones is the fact that the number of Windows phone users are still increasing whereas Blackberry is finding it hard to make people upgrade from smartphones.
The share of iOS also increased with the launch of the iPhone 4S. But the real dominator has been the Android that has taken away shade less than half the market(46.4%) and is seen to attract about 51.7% of the recent smartphone users. Thus, a huge task lies in front of Microsoft for the year 2012 to attract more and more customers. With their launch of Lumia series in U.S. markets and the same expanding to Europe and beyond, the results shall positively be there in the Q1 2012 report.
Nielson: Windows Phone takes 1.4% of U.S Market Share