Browser Comparison Test: Nokia Lumia 800 vs iPhone 4s vs iPhone 4

Browser Comparison Test: Nokia Lumia 800 vs iPhone 4s vs iPhone 4

The Internet Explorer mobile browser of the Windows phone 7.5 has been a great one, but how where would it stand in competition with other mobile browsers? Above is the comparison video of the web browsers of Nokia Lumia 800, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s. iPhone 4s stands out with great performance in all the speed tests whereas iPhone 4 lags behind a few tests behind IE mobile. Even though these tests follow a few benchmarks, the usage of these browsers in reality would be pretty much the same. All 3 browsers are not just fast but smooth and responsive as well.

Speed Reading Test:
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 2 fps (iPhone 4 with iOS 5.0 – around 37 fps)
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 40 fps
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 60 fps

Sunspider Test: Lower is better
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3) – 4018.2 ms
Nokia Lumia 800 (WP7.5 aka Mango) – 7188.7 ms
iPhone 4S (iOS 5) – 2266 ms

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