Now, the first rumors about the Nokia Windows Phone 8 was heard from a Chinese site (WPDang), so all these expectations were just a matter of time, before we can hear that Nokia will launch the Windows Phone 8 this year, but we don’t know the exactly date, so it could be in every month remained until the end of the 2012. As we all know, the Windows Phone users around the world are waiting for the Windows Phone 8 to be launched, but I don’t think that the Nokia brand should hurry with launching it, because all the people are going on the following idea: let’s see what Samsung is coming with. Also, if they don’t launch their device in time, their device might be copied, so it is also a good idea to rush this launching, as the Nokia brand has a lot of competitors. Also, the WPDang website announces that, China will be in the first four countries all over the world, that will receive the new Windows Phone 8 and also says that all its competitors will launch another model of phones, also integrated with Windows Phone 8, so it is Nokia versus the others on selling their devices. But we all know, that all the users around the world are waiting for this device to be launched by the Nokia brand.
First WP8 phone from Nokia coming this year