Samsung, one of the biggest phone manufacturers right now and moving with a lightning speed ahead is facing a tough competition with the former conqueror of the industry, Nokia. Nokia with its latest Lumia series has once again marked its footsteps that once existed before the down slope of the company. With the arrival of
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New Models of Mobile
The smartphone has become, it sometimes seems, the only thing worth caring about in the 21st century. Wherever you are whatever you’re doing it can ameliorate the experience with a range of interactive tools. No matter how inconsequential a task you might be completing with a smartphone you can let other people see you do
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Ditch the Console and Get a Phone
If you’re an avid gamer, you probably known how much of an investment video games can be. You shell out a couple hundred bucks for some fancy, high-end console (God help you if it was first generation and suffers from factory defects) and then you pay upwards to about $60 for a game. I have
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