Many current or future problems can be dealt with by updating your Nokia Lumia Cyan smartphone to Windows Phone 8.1 How to Update Windows 8.1 for Nokia Lumia? This update is done completely using your phone, no computer downloads or cables needed. Before you begin with the Lumia Cyan update, it is advised that you

Red Bull Photography and Nokia partner up in BMX photo shoot
Predrag Vuckovic, a professional extreme sports photographer from Serbia accepts Microsft’s offer to shoot entirely with a Nokia Lumia 1020. Predrag teams up with BMX rider Alvaro ‘Varo’ Hernandez to capture some pretty amazing shots. Checkout the photos and video below.

Microsoft betting on Entry-Level Nokia 130 Phone
Microsoft is hoping to appeal to the still large number of people around the World who do not yet own a cellphone, with their new Nokia 130 and Nokia 130 Dual. “It is estimated that at least one billion people in the world still do not have a mobile phone, while at the same time

The Lumia 1020 Innovates To Compete
Nokia has earned some much deserved attention recently, thanks to the release of the Lumia 1020 Windows Phone, which is now in direct competition with mobile phone heavyweights like the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4. Of course, at least for the time being, Apple and Samsung remain the two leaders in the mobile phone

The benefits of renting a car through an app
If you have ever found yourself thinking ‘there must be an easier way to rent a car’, well it’s here. A leading car rental service company have developed an app called ‘24/7 On Demand’, which is designed for car rental users to make their booking quickly and easily. The app is developed by Hertz, with
NOKIA Lumia 900 versus NOKIA Lumia 920
Nokia Lumia 920 is still to be launched for sale in the market but the market analysts have started to compare it with its predecessor, Nokia Lumia 900 and look out for the changes that differ this ‘masterpiece’ with the previous dictator of the series. We have also tried to point out the main points
WINDOWS PHONE 7.8 – A smaller version of Windows Phone 8
There have been rumors around the release of the next version of Windows operating system, Windows Phone 8. But it is to be reminded that the current Windows Phone 7.x devices will not be able to run or update to Windows Phone 8. Also, new applications are being compiled specifically for Windows Phone 8 and
How to: Transfer contacts on your new Nokia Lumia
This article will guide you on how to transfer contacts on your New Nokia Lumia. There are many ways to transfer contacts to your new Nokia Lumia depending on where they are currently being stored. They can be stored in your old phone, any online service or your PC as well. We will provide you
How to: Share documents on a Nokia Lumia
This article is dedicated to guide you on how to share documents on a Nokia Lumia Smart phone. With the Microsoft Office Mobile app in the phone, there is just no going back to any other platform to handle your documents. But office comprises of a no. of persons that combine to complete a given
How to: Backup SMS on a Nokia Lumia
This article is dedicated to guide you on how to back up SMS on a Nokia Lumia Smart phone. There is no SMS backup in a Nokia Lumia smart phone. Zune software doesn’t allow the users to sync their SMS with their PC device. However, if you are updating your phone with Zune software, a
How to: Delete multiple contacts on a Nokia Lumia
This article is dedicated to guide you on how to delete multiple contacts on a Nokia Lumia Smart phone. Currently, it is not possible in any Windows based phone to delete multiple contacts at one time from the phone. You can delete contacts one by one individually but it is not preferred and also removes
How to: Record phone calls on a Nokia Lumia
This article is dedicated to explain you on how to record phone calls on a Nokia Lumia Smart phone. Recording phone calls is a very easy task in Windows Mobile phones. There is an official Windows app called Call Recorder that is available in the Marketplace for free. The purpose of the app is to